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Welcome to my ePortfolio!

Krista Carter

Major in Communication Studies

Minor in Business Management



Thank you for taking the time to look at my ePortfolio! 

I am a senior at the University of Alabama majoring in Communication studies with a minor in Business Management and will be graduating Spring 2024.  I am from Birmingham, Alabama, and an avid Roll Tide fan!   My background is learning and development and I have a deep passion for learning and teaching others.   While working my way around the training and development field, it became clear to me that to move up even further, I needed a college degree and communication was the perfect fit!   Having a communication degree ties in perfectly with what I do and gives me the opportunity to use different techniques and skills that I have learned throughout my communication classes.   The value of this coursework has given me the confidence to speak with purpose and clarity and has given me a foundation that will be with me throughout my personal and professional life.   

Krista Carter

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